Light: Education

As an educational resource for the pro-life movement, we are considering information from the Bible and from science to help support our beliefs and working theories regarding a variety of related topics.

We are also thrilled to include a couple of quotes from Jewish sources:

See end of through the top of the next folio (sotah_31). “R. Meir used to say: Whence is it that even the embryos in their mothers’ womb uttered a song? As it is said, Bless ye the Lord in the Congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. [Ibid. (Psalms) LXVIII, 27, E.V. 26. ‘From the fountain’ indicates those who were still in the womb.] But these could not behold [the Shechinah]! — R. Tanhum said: The abdomen became for them a kind of transparent medium and they did behold it.”

Also see “Rabbi Meir said that even fetuses in their mothers’ wombs sang the song, as Psalm 68:27 says, “Bless the Lord in the Congregations, even the Lord, from the source of Israel.” (And a person’s “source” is the womb.) The Gemara asked how fetuses could see the Divine Presence. Rabbi Tanhum said that the abdomen of pregnant women became transparent and the fetuses saw.”

The Targum Psalm 68:27, as translated by Edward M. Cook, is phrased like this: “In the midst of the assemblies, bless God, exalt the LORD, O fetuses in the bellies of their mothers, O seed of Israel!”  Babies in the womb did sing, and their mothers were able to testify of it.  

Shining Light: Education from The Bible

As believers in Jesus Christ, we trust the Bible as the Word of God. Though written by human authors, we believe it to be inspired by God by the supernatural guidance of God’s Holy Spirit. As such, we take it to be the source of truth for our beliefs as Christians.
There are many passages in the Bible that address life, personhood, and humans created by God.

Shining Light: Education from Science

Human knowledge has increased–and continues to increase–over time. Where once humans thought the earth as a whole was flat, we now have scientific evidence to support our knowledge that the earth is round. So when it comes to the personhood of gestational children, where does science stand? Is there any scientific evidence to validate the experiences of thousands [We know you’re out there. Don’t be shy. Babies’ lives are at stake.] of women?

Shining Light: Education from Beliefs

What supports beliefs? Why do we believe the way we believe? Sometimes it’s just “blind faith.” Sometimes we take our beliefs and search out external sources for proof, whether that proof comes from a source we trust (such as the Bible), from scientific discoveries, from the experiences of others, and from other sources that serve to validate and/or confirm our beliefs.

Shining Light: Education in general

Generally, when shining light, education follows. Generally. Darkness is exposed. Darkness can be replaced by light. But light needs to be accepted and not hidden. Light needs to be welcomed and not silenced. Far too long, pregnancy loss victims have been silenced and shamed into not processing their–our–grief. Far too long, our society has allowed innocent blood to be shed as darkness continued to advance. Let us stand and shine the light of the Source of Truth, shine the light of wisdom, shine the light of knowledge and educate our culture in the Way and the Life.

Read our book, Other Side Of Grief, for more hope and healing.

Attend a Miscarriage Moms For Life memorial.

 Find more light and validation in reading our book, When Unborn Babies Speak.